Hospital Birth
Please contact
the following hospitals to get their current fees:
- Oxford Midwifery (010) 110 8686
- Linkwood: (011) 485 3250
- Park Lane Clinic: (011) 480 4000
- Stellar-Med: Elizabeth 083 388 4424 Click here for Information
Hospital bith:
- Please book your bed at the hospital of your choice at about 34 weeks;
- A back up doctor is essential for a hospital birth. Births will not be done if a doctor has not been seen for the required appointment;
- A list of gynecologists that we work with is available under the Gynaes tab;
- Gynecologist visits are usually at 12, 20 and 36 weeks, with the necessary scans being done.
Oxford Midwifery:
- When you are in labour, please contact the midwives directly and they will advise you when to go into Oxford, so that they can meet you there.
- Oxford Midwifery is a midwife lead unit and therefore low risk. The following restrictions apply :
- You need to be 37 week pregnant or more to birth at Oxford;
- You cannot have any medical or obstetric conditions;
- No elective caesarian births are done (unless for breech);
- We may not transfer from a home birth to Oxford for assistance.
- Once you have given birth the staff will care for you until you go home.
- Oxford is a family orientated unit, so partners stay over and visiting hours are open.
- Oxford has well equipped resuscitation facilities for baby, but if long term care in needed, baby will have to be transferred to another hospital.
Linkwood Clinic:
- When you are in labour, please contact the midwives directly and they will advise you when to go into Linkwood, so that they can meet you there.
- Linkwood is a family orientated facility, so partners are allowed to stay over.
- There are set visiting times, please contact them for details.
- Linkwood has a NICU for newborns.